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Global cars accelerate green transformation


Recently, data from a number of research institutions show that the global sales of new energy vehicles will grow against the trend in 2021, accounting for a rapid increase. In the past year, a number of global car companies released new energy development plans, and more technology companies began to enter the field of new energy vehicles. The analysis pointed out that the continuous efforts of the automobile industry in the direction of digitalization, intelligence and green will promote the sustainable development of global transportation and contribute to the green economic recovery of various countries.

Global sales are growing fast

Global sales of electric vehicles more than doubled last year to 6.6 million units, accounting for nearly 9 percent of the overall vehicle market, according to the latest report from the International Energy Agency. Global well-known car companies have announced to increase investment in new energy vehicles.

Hawes says electrification is a global trend. Motoshige ITO, a professor at Gakushuin University in Japan, said that the shrinking market share of gasoline and hybrid cars in Japan shows that the trend of electrification will bring huge changes to the industrial structure.

Many countries are offering incentives

Sustained, comprehensive and targeted policy incentives could help pave the way for rapid growth in the ev market, according to the INTERNATIONAL Council on Clean Transport. According to a report released by the commission last October, governments around the world have taken a number of measures to promote the electrification transformation of the auto industry, including the introduction of relevant regulations, fiscal and tax incentives, and the construction of charging infrastructure.

In the 14th Five-Year Plan and the outline of the long-term goals for 2035, China proposed to focus on strategic emerging industries such as new energy vehicles, “speed up the innovative application of key and core technologies, enhance the ability to guarantee factors of production, and foster and strengthen new drivers of industrial development.” From the promotion of new energy vehicles to rural areas to ensure the energy consumption of production enterprises, measures to support new energy vehicles around the rapid development of the industry to provide a boost. By the end of 2021, China had built a total of 75,000 charging stations, 2.617 million charging piles and 1,298 changing stations.

More developing countries are speeding up the layout of the new energy vehicle market. Egypt launched its first domestically produced electric car through cooperation with China; The Kenyan government plans to make electric vehicles 5 percent of the market by 2025 and will install charging piles in new buildings. In the 2022 budget, the Malaysian government announced a tax exemption for all electric cars sold; Chile has made electric mobility a national strategy.

The electrification trend continues to intensify

New energy vehicles are an important direction for the green development and low-carbon transformation of the global automobile industry. According to the World Bank, the global transition to sustainable transport could save $70 trillion by 2050, taking into account all transport costs such as vehicles, fuel, operating expenses and congestion losses. Ratings agency Standard & Poor’s expects electric vehicle sales to account for 7 to 10 percent of total global vehicle sales in 2022, as the trend toward electrification of the entire auto industry continues to intensify.

Cooperation and development

As countries step up the introduction of policies related to electric vehicles, more technology companies will seek to enter the field of electric vehicles in the next few years to promote the integrated development of intelligent and connected new energy vehicles.

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