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The newer the tire, the better the quality?


Many owners will ask the production date of the tire when replacing the tire, so whether the production date of the tire is new on behalf of the quality of the tire is better?

Before I answer that question, I’d like to answer a few questions about the production date of the tire, as shown in the picture1.

The number at the end of the DOT is the date of manufacture. 3507 is the 35th week of 2007.

The main materials of tires are rubber, steel wire, fiber material, carbon black and high-tech industrial products of many different materials. Among them, rubber material with the most used in the air will be affected by light, high temperature, external impact and other factors, resulting in tire aging, causing hidden dangers to driving safety, so it is necessary to regularly check and replace the tire.

So are newer tires better? When the tire is just produced, the rubber molecular chain is more active due to high temperature, and natural cooling is a process to stabilize the rubber molecular chain. A certain amount of storage will not only not affect the performance of the tire, but also make the tire play the best performance has a certain help, so the tire is not the newer the better.

At this time, a friend will ask, the life of the tire is a few years, but also put a few months, so is not to let the tire aging in vain? This we do not have to worry about, now the regular tire manufacturers are adding anti-aging ingredients in rubber, so the aging speed of the tire is not so fast as we imagine. According to the tire manufacturer’s tire aging test report, there is no significant difference between the tire that has just been produced and the tire that has been stored for several months.

And in accordance with the general production and sales process, a new tire from the factory to the tire shop need to go through all levels of agents and other intermediate links, often take a few months to the hands of customers, so it is difficult to buy just produced tires, there is no need.